Zuboda produces its elongated, dark green, slightly marbled fruits early. Harvesting begins around 6 weeks after planting. Always provide a good supply of water. For a good fruit set, plant
at least 2 plants and harvest the fruits while they are still young. "TIP": At first, the plant only produces male flowers, which must remain on the plant. Only when the temperatures are
right and the plant is strong enough will the female flowers form, recognizable by the ovary.
Sowing time: From April for planting from mid-MayHarvest time: Mid-June to mid-OctoberContent is sufficient for approx.
10 plants. Planting distance: 100 x 100 cmPlease store seeds in a dry, cool and dark place! Seeds are not suitable for consumption.
Herstellung in Deutschland . Ursprung/Rohstoffe: Deutschland
EU Bio-Siegel
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Bingenheimer Saatgut AG 61209 Echzell-Bingenheim, info@bingenheimersaatgut.de49603518990 Marke Bingenheimer Saatgut
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