La Torre grows branched and multi-branched up to 2 meters high. The flowers are rather small, about 15 cm in diameter, in shades of light yellow, yellow and red. Sunflowers need a
nutritious soil with sufficient moisture and a sunny spot in the garden. "TIP": The sunflower 'La Torre' is a solitary plant and looks particularly good in a single position. It is a great
eye-catcher, as its size and stature make it stand out.
Sowing: early May to early JulyBlooming: early July to late OctoberContent is sufficient for approx. 80 plants. Plant
height: 180 - 200 cm, planting distance: 40 x 40 cmPlease store seeds in a dry, cool and dark place! Seeds are not suitable for consumption.
Herstellung in Deutschland . Ursprung/Rohstoffe: Deutschland
EU Bio-Siegel
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Demeter (DD)
samenfeste Sorte
Bingenheimer Saatgut AG 61209 Echzell-Bingenheim, info@bingenheimersaatgut.de49603518990 Marke Bingenheimer Saatgut
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